Thursday, April 30, 2020

Boys will be boys?

Are boys and girls psychologically the same? No – any brain expert will tell you that. But is it possible to influence the thinking process through conditioning? Yes, that is possible.

I recently asked a group of friends – how many of you have boys at home who would (on his own) offer a cup of tea to you when you come home after a tired day? The responses I got were – “he puts up a fabulous lunch/dinner once in a while”, “he can prepare exotic dishes from various cuisines”. These are really fantastic. But this is not what I was looking for. The “occasional” is made ‘special’ and not casual or a matter of routine.

Recently, I was speaking to certain friends who are friends because our fathers were friends. While reminiscing how independent my father was – not only with respect to his own day-routine, but also help out Mum by boiling milk and readying the coffee decoction in morning before my mum was up, attending to the washing machine, the dried clothes and so on. And….he would do it casually. The friend remembered that even her father used to do the same. I had expected this kind of response from my group of friends.

We need to condition our boys. If they grow up in an environment where they see men helping around in household chores casually, then they are automatically tuned into it. What creates such an environment – our attitude, our “culture”, our conditioning?

IMO the more the number of boys are sensitive to such issues, the fewer will be the number of assaults on their female counterparts. I sincerely believe it is as easy as that.

So, how sensitive are our boys?