Life is made of small things. It took me some time to
understand this. Childhood days were full of pleasures in small things. We
would run out in the rain, strain our eyes to look out for a rainbow, make
paper boats, run out to see and identify the tail of the aircraft that was
flying by. I thought these were normal till I met a friend who would say “what’s
the big deal?” to most things I was excited about. If I think too much about it,
then yes, it is not a big deal. But then, what is a “big deal”? What is wrong
in celebrating small events and making a big deal of happy events in your
life. I congratulated a friend on his promotion.
He shrugged and said, “It is a delayed one”, not seeming to want to celebrate
it. I wanted to roll my eyes and say, “At least you got it”.
Celebrating small things in life simply puts you in a
positive mode as you start to see the good things in life and appreciate them.
If we look at others’ lives by merely scratching the surface, we realize how
much we take things for granted in our lives. There are always negative things
around us. In fact most things force us to look at the negative things. Take
the daily newspaper, for example. Pages after pages there are horrifying
stories. Heart-warming, inspirational and brain-tickling stories are few. As we
read, our sub-conscious mind starts to deviate towards the stories we read. We
begin to believe that the world is what we read. An inspirational story makes
us believe that there is plenty of hope and we start believing and behaving in
a manner that will only substantiate it. This can have a cascading effect on
not only our thoughts, actions, but also (I believe) will influence others
around us to go the same way.
So, what did you celebrate today?