Wednesday, July 1, 2009

To be calm or not...

Hypertension patients are known for short tempers. But there is a paradox. A person who is outwardly very calm, may also be suffering from high Blood Pressure, as his outward calm may be a façade of his inner turbulence. He does not blow up, but keeps everything with himself thus building up the pressure. So is calmness good or bad? I would say such kind of calmness is good for others, but bad for the person himself and blowing up is bad for others and good for self. So, is it better to be self-centred?


We think too much
We analyse too much
Hence we get into wrong interpretations
Which lead us to wrong thinking
Leading to wrong conclusions
As we base our actions on such conclusions, our actions are misguided
Our actions provoke the person at whom they are directed.